
The first session

At the first session, each player chooses a Playbook featuring a special kind of character. Give out the playbooks, pass them around and give everybody some time to study them. As a GM, you should be familiar with all playbooks and stand ready to answer any questions regarding general rules or specific Moves.

After everybody has chosen a Playbook, just follow the instructions found therein to prepare each character for play by

  • chosing a name and looks
  • chosing starting gear
  • chosing starting moves
  • determining trust

Meanwhile, as the GM you can prepare the Resource counters and the starting setup.


Each character has four Stats rated from -2 to +3:

Nice means being nice, communicative, friendly, helpful, compassionate.
Sick means being barbaric, violent, abusive, savage. So that’s sick like in "What a sick bastard you are!" not sick as in "I’m not feeling so well".
Cool means being cool, valiant, calm, comforting
Bright means being smart, observant, thoroughly, wise

In the first session, every characters starts with a Stat at +2, one at +1, one at =0, and one at -1. Experience and Injuries may change these values throughout the game.